Digital support groups for young people with cancer
We offer a variety of digital support programmes and workshops for children and young people with cancer.

Digital support groups for parents and carers of children with cancer
We offer a variety of digital support programmes and workshops for parents and carers of children with cancer.

Our charity partners
Find support from other charities who share our mission of supporting children and young people with cancer.

Support with digital skills
Get support with using digital services like online banking and social media.

Support when you’re just diagnosed
If you've just been diagnosed with cancer, we're here to support you every step of the way.

Talk to us today
Get help from our expert social care team today using Live Chat

Join our Facebook groups
Meet others with similar experiences, share your views and have your voice heard.

Bereavement resources and organisations
Useful organisations and resources for parents and carers whose child has died of cancer.

Could you claim benefits?
Our benefits calculator will let you know what you're entitled to and how to apply.