CrossFit MOVE Forward
MOVE Forward is a CrossFit based exercise programme for young adults and their families living life after cancer treatment in Northern Ireland. Through the success and demand for age appropriate exercise schemes in Northern Ireland, MOVE Forward has continued to grow, reaching more people in new locations.

MOVE Forward
The MOVE Forward programme was developed by Simon Darby MBE, our Young Lives vs Cancer Social Work Team Leader. It’s been successfully running for five years and has won an ‘Excellence in Rehabilitation Award’. We pride ourselves on the programme being delivered by young adults with a lived experience of cancer who have been trained to CrossFit Level 1 and higher standard.
Where to find us
Locations for MOVE Forward programmes:
- CrossFit Northern Ireland, Belfast (teens and parents programme as well as young adults)
- CrossFit Enable (Dundonald)
- CrossFit Derry
- Digital programme at home
How do I join?
For enquiries please contact or visit @crossfitmoveforward on Instagram.

Our programmes:
MOVE Forward
Our core programme is delivered out of CrossFit Northern Ireland in Belfast City Centre. Classes run twice weekly and are open to any young person supported by Young Lives vs Cancer in the last five years. This programme is part of our ‘Together We Thrive’ Project funded by The National Lottery Community Fund.
In August 2021 through funding from Community Foundation Northern Ireland and Department of Health we will be expanding the MOVE Forward programme to be available in all five health and social care trusts over the next two years.
MOVE Forward through lockdown
In response to the isolation felt by young people shielding during the pandemic, Mark Adams our Young Adult Coach suggested a social media based exercise competition. Following the success of this, Young Lives vs Cancer in collaboration with Teenage Cancer Trust ran a three nation challenge in May 2020 that encouraged over 85 young people, their families and staff to compete for the fitness nation. All participants gained points for physical and mental activities such as walking, running, mindfulness, meditation and even knitting.
MOVE Forward at home
In 2020 in response to COVID-19, through the support of the Department of Health in Northern Ireland we piloted ‘MOVE Forward at Home” a 10 week virtual exercise programme delivered by 3 CrossFit Trainers. Enabling young people to exercise from home during their shielding and isolation via Zoom.
Move Forward teens
In May 2021 in partnership with The Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children’s Haematology and Oncology Department and part funded by The Children’s Cancer Unit Charity we piloted a six week CrossFit programme for 11-14 year olds.