Cancer and treatment
Look up your cancer
Bite-sized information about different cancer types - their symptoms, how they are diagnosed and treated, and side effects.
My child’s cancer
Find out more about your child's cancer and treatment.
How bad will treatment make me feel?
Everyone reacts differently to treatment. Here are ways to combat any side effects.
Where will I have my treatment and do I get a say?
If your place of treatment hasn't been decided, it’s important you ask about your options.
If cancer comes back: dealing with the impact of relapse
We asked young people who have been through relapse to share some advice for others.
Relapse and me – Sara’s story
Sara blogs about her experience of going through relapse.
Diagnosis and tests for cancer
An A-Z guide of tests you might have around diagnosis.
Types of cancer
Bite-sized information about different cancer types - their symptoms, how they are diagnosed and treated, and side effects.
Staying safe from infection when you’re a child or young person with cancer
Here's the steps you should take to protect yourself from infections
Isolation boredom busters
Free or cheap websites, courses and apps to keep you and your family busy during COVID-19 lockdown.