Campaign for change

Children and young people with cancer deserve better from the systems and policies around us.  Alongside our supporters, we campaign for change so children and young people with cancer and their families get the support they need, as soon as they need it. Together, our voices can be heard by government and decision makers across the UK to make change happen.

Want to get in touch about all things campaigning? Email the team at

Our Call for a Children and Young People’s Cancer Plan

4000 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer every year. They need a Children and Young People’s Cancer Plan...

Make change happen this World Cancer Day

What change do you want to see for children and young people with cancer in 2024? Share your thoughts this...

Lets stand together for children and young people with cancer

We want the next UK Government to stand up for children and young people with cancer and work with us...

Running on empty

Children and young people with cancer and their families are #RunningOnEmpty because of travel costs. Sign our petition.

Cancer costs

From loss of income to higher heating bills, cancer comes with a financial cost. We’re calling for better financial support...

Hospital Parking in Northern Ireland

Hospital Parking should be free across the UK. Plans were made to make it happen, but they're now under threat....

Hidden costs

The costs of cancer go far beyond just the financial. There’s also the costs to children, young people and families...


We carry out research so our campaigns reflect the experiences of children and young people with cancer and their families....

Cancer and Coronavirus – As tough as it gets

Around half of young people with cancer and parents found it hard to cope with the impact of the COVID-19...

Coalitions and campaigns we support

Young Lives vs Cancer is part of a number of external coalitions and campaigns.

All Party Parliamentary Group on Children, Teenagers and Young Adults with Cancer

Raising awareness of the issues affecting children, teenagers and young adults with cancer and their families in Parliament.