For teens and young adults

Being diagnosed with cancer as a young adult changes everything. Without warning, your life is on hold, and your ambitions and dreams are suddenly very far away.

Our Young People’s Service is for young adults aged 16-24 who have been diagnosed with cancer, their families, and the people they care about. It’s available across the UK, in both main cancer hospitals and local hospitals.

We get that everyone is different, so we don’t offer a one-size-fits-all service. We base our work on what each young person tells us they need most. Our help can include:

  • Support with day-to-day issues from one of our Young Lives vs Cancer Social Workers
  • Opportunities to connect with other young people with cancer, such as joining our Participation group.
  • Events that help boost confidence and career opportunities
  • The chance to influence our work to make lives better for young people with cancer.

Can this help you?

Shortly after you’ve been diagnosed one of our friendly social workers or community workers will get in touch with you to discuss how we can help you. What you need might change as you go through treatment and beyond.

Haven’t heard of us before?

Some young people are treated at a local hospital, rather than a specialist treatment centre for young people. If this is you, you might not have heard about the support we provide, like our grants, articles about living with cancer, and how to connect with other teenagers and young adults with cancer. This isn’t right and it isn’t fair.

If you are in this situation and haven’t met or been contacted by a Young Lives vs Cancer Social Worker, please get in touch!

Or apply online for a Registration Grant, and get in touch with us that way.

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Your voice

We believe those with first-hand experience of cancer are the best people to tell us what needs to change.

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Michaela holding I'm Championing Participation board

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