A Children and Young People’s Cancer Plan

Click on the image to download the Children and Young People’s 10 Year Cancer Plan

We’re on a mission with CCLG – together we’re been calling for a Cancer Plan that supports children and young people, and makes sure their unique and critical needs are recognised, understood, and addressed to improve their experiences and outcomes.

Following prolonged campaigning from many cancer charities, including Young Lives vs Cancer and CCLG, the UK Government have confirmed they will publish a National Cancer Plan for England, and that they will consider cancers, like those in children and young people, that have different diagnostic and treatment pathways.

It’s crucial that any National Cancer Plan meets the needs of children and young people with cancer.

Why? Because cancer is still the biggest killer by disease in the UK of children and young people, and over 4,000 children and young people under 25 are diagnosed every year.

Cancer in children and young people is different from older adults – it’s less common, needs different treatment, has distinct impacts (including mental health and financial), and comes at a key developmental stage in life. This means the care and support they need is unique, and plans and strategies that work for adults just won’t work for them.

We’re pleased that our calls for a Cancer Plan have been heard and will do everything we can to work with the UK Government to ensure their Plans delivers the priorities outlined in our Children and Young People’s Cancer Plan.


‘A Children and Young People’s Cancer Plan forms part of our Manifesto for Children and Young People during the 2024 General Election