Our blog introduces you to everything we do. Listen to other people's experiences, hear cancer tips and advice or where to go to get involved.

Why Pride matters for young people with cancer
One of our social workers talks about the unique challenges LGBTQIA+ young people with cancer face and how they support them.

Ben’s Story: I opened up with their support. I’m gay with cancer
Ben was 22 when he was diagnosed with leukaemia. Six months earlier, Ben said he had come out with his sexuality and started a new life.

Our Pride badge has arrived
Social Worker, Lyn, shares her thoughts on the importance of Pride and our new Pride badge for the young cancer patients she supports.

Being trans with cancer
One young adult we support bravely agreed to tell his story and highlight the challenges he’s faced as a transgender cancer patient.

What Pride means to our social workers
Young Lives vs Cancer Social Worker Lyn reflects on what Pride means for her and her work with children and young people facing cancer.

Noah’s story: “My boyfriend visiting always gave me a boost”
Noah was diagnosed with testicular cancer which spread to his stomach. He’s been supported throughout his cancer journey by his partner Zack.

Arlo’s story
Mums Nikki and Hannah share their son Arlo's story of being diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma a day before his first birthday