Fight Club: Vic’s story. “Without your support, I would’ve stopped my treatment.”
For young cancer patient, Vic, the awful mental toll of cancer and the costs that come with it was so devastating she nearly stopped her treatment. Here she shares how you, our supporters, were there when she thought she had to do it all alone.

“When I was diagnosed with lymphoma aged 21, my life suddenly became all about cancer treatment. But more unexpectedly, it became about how I’d get to my cancer treatment.
“Every hospital trip sent me further into debt.”
“From my home on the Isle of Wight I needed to travel to Southampton, which meant taking the ferry. In summer this could cost up to £200 per trip, plus hospital parking and petrol on top. If I couldn’t afford to take my car on the ferry, I’d have to pay for a taxi instead.
“My appointments were two or three times a week at first and then every two weeks. The travel costs quickly piled up and every hospital trip sent me further into debt. Sometimes I wouldn’t eat so I could afford to travel to my cancer treatment.

“With the cost of living crisis, my rent and bills were going up and my mental health was going under. I was so afraid of losing the roof over my head. Eventually I used up all my sick days at work and my income just stopped. I completely buckled. If I’m totally honest, without your support, I would’ve stopped my treatment at that point. I didn’t want to do it anymore.
“Without your kindness, I wouldn’t be here now.”
“But talking to my Young Lives vs Cancer Social Worker, Kate, was like being showered in sunshine. She asked me, ‘What do you need?’ and if she could ease any of my worries, she would.
“Kate spoke to the ferry company and they agreed to give me free travel. She sorted financial grants so I could feed myself, pay my bills and put petrol in my car. Suddenly I could breathe again.

“And she arranged for me to stay at Jean’s House, a Home from Home near the hospital for young cancer patients and their families being supported by the charity. Staying there meant I didn’t need to travel back and forth every day. It was a lifesaver. And it was so nice to be with other people going through something similar. I didn’t feel so alone with everything.
“I wouldn’t have found the strength to keep going without Kate or supporters like you. Without your kindness, I wouldn’t be here now. I can’t thank you enough.”
Let’s stop young people and families #RunningOnEmpty
We’re working to make sure that young cancer patients across the country aren’t left #RunningOnEmpty. Join our call for a Young Cancer Patient Travel Fund and sign our petition.
Make a donation now. Your support changes lives and makes these incredible stories possible. Thank you.
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Posted on Friday 11 August 2023