Dan’s story: support from a Young Lives vs Cancer social worker during lymphoma treatment
Dan was just 17 when he was diagnosed with lymphoma. While he endured months of gruelling treatment, he felt his life was on hold. Here he shares how Young Lives vs Cancer, and your support, helped him to come out of it feeling positive about the future.

“Without Tracey, and Young Lives vs Cancer supporters, I might not be where I am now: determined to get my life back on track.”
“I was 17, loved playing football and hanging out with my mates. I was really enjoying sixth form, and planning to study geography at Lincoln University.
“When I was diagnosed on Christmas Eve 2022, everything changed overnight. I had endless rounds of chemotherapy, steroids and other treatment. But nothing seemed to work. I then went onto a trial with a new drug and that, along with stem-cell therapy, eventually saw me begin to improve.
“Young Lives vs Cancer was amazing. It was difficult for my family financially, because of the travel and parking costs, but our Young Lives vs Cancer Specialist Social Worker Tracey was brilliant – when Mum’s cooker broke and she couldn’t afford a new one, Tracey arranged for a grant to replace it.
“Tracey wrote emails to help get my place at uni deferred. Knowing I still had that to look forward to really helped me.
“What happened to me was scary and confusing, but Tracey was somebody I could rely on.”
Dan is months out from his stem cell transplant now and doesn’t need further treatment. He’s looking forward to starting uni in September 2025.
Everyone who has supported Young Lives vs Cancer has helped him get there. Thank you.
Find out more about the work of our Young Lives vs Cancer specialist social workersDonate today
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Posted on Wednesday 15 January 2025