What should I know about my child’s treatment?

Sometimes, you just want to hear it from people who've been there too. That’s why we asked parents with similar experiences to share their stories, tips and advice. We asked parents what they would have wanted to know before their child went through treatment. Have a look at what they say below.

It’s going to be difficult

The journey is going to be a tricky one and knowing where to go for emotional support when you need it is really important.

“It can take a huge toll on everyone. Don’t be afraid to cry and use the nurses for emotional support when it’s really tough.”

Knowing the jargon

Understanding the medical terminology used by doctors and your child’s treatment team can help you know what to expect from your child’s treatment. Macmillan Cancer Support has a handy guide to medical terms but when it comes to having conversations, if you don’t understand then make sure you ask.

Knowing the definitions of the medical terms, for example, neutropenia, transfusions, low counts etc. can really help.

There are highs and lows

Be prepared for the highs and lows throughout your child’s treatment – it’s completely normal, but can take a while to get used to.

“The journey is a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs.”

Get to know the hospital

You’ll be there a lot, so getting an idea of where things are and how things work within the hospital can be really useful. You can take a look at our hospital section for more advice.

Find out about hospital parking permits, where the shops are in the hospital and what times their restaurants open and close.

Every experience is unique

Not everyone will react in the same way to treatment, and not everyone will get the same side effects or symptoms.

“Expect the unexpected… not all kids feel rubbish, vomit and get every symptom. Just try to go with what your child tells you.”

We’ve asked parents to share their tips and advice from their own experiences and what they’ve found helpful. But if you want to know more about what to expect from your child’s treatment, talk to your doctor who will be able to give you more advice and guidance.

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