Contacts for educational advice and support
It can be confusing and difficult to understand the processes and public services that are involved in supporting your child’s education after diagnosis. These organisations are here to provide you with information, advice and support with all aspects of education and schooling.
Contact is the charity for families with disabled children. Contact supports families whatever their child’s disability or medical condition, with the best possible guidance and information – from getting a diagnosis, to securing a suitable place at school, from receiving the right financial support to finding friends and support networks. Contact also brings families together to support each other and helps families to campaign, volunteer and fundraise to improve life for themselves and others.
Call their helpline free, on 0808 808 3555 (9.30am-5pm, Monday-Friday, free from UK landlines and UK mobiles)
Council for disabled children
Council for disabled children is the umbrella body for the disabled children’s sector bringing together professionals, practitioners and policy-makers. They have an online library of resources that you can access to find out more about disability policy and practice which includes a selection of materials, including information, practice guidance and toolkits, specially written with parents in mind.
Information, Advice and Support (IAS) services
IAS services provide information and support to disabled children and young people and parent carers. There IAS services in every local area in England who provide free, dedicated and impartial advice. You can find contact details for your local IAS by following the link below.
Independent Parent Special Educational Advice (IPSEA)
IPSEA offers free and independent legally based information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). They also provide training on the SEND legal framework to parents and carers, professionals and other organisations.
Family Fund
Family Fund is the UK’s largest charity providing grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people. Last year, they provided 88,407 grants or services worth over £33 million to families across the UK.
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How Young Lives vs Cancer can help
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Join the groupAre you a cancer dad?
Many dads spend less time in the hospital and don't get the same network of support. Feeling like you have to 'hold the fort' can be isolating and difficult, so it's extra important you have someone to talk to about your challenges.
Join our Mind the Chaps Facebook group for dadsVoice and Engagement at Young Lives vs Cancer
We make sure we listen to the voices of children and young people with cancer, and their parents. We believe those with first-hand experience of cancer are the best people to tell us what it’s like and what needs to change.
Find out how you can get involved in participationGet a Young Lives vs Cancer grant
It’s not right that young people and parents have to worry about money when they need to focus on treatment and all that comes with it. So Young Lives vs Cancer gives various grants, right from the moment of diagnosis, to help young people and families cope financially.
Find out more about getting a grant