How can I manage my own stress and anxiety after my child’s diagnosis?

There’s some advice you can only get from people who’ve been there too. That’s why we’ve asked parents who’ve been through similar experiences to share their thoughts on topics that you’ve told us you’d like guidance on.

Not sure how to manage feelings of stress and anxiety after your child has been diagnosed? Take a look at the tips from other parents below.

Connect with other parents

Talking to other parents experiencing similar things to you – in person or online – can help through connecting to others, sharing worries or concerns or just chatting to those who ‘get it’.

You can share experiences, get advice, or share tips on our Facebook group for parents and carers or our Mind the Chaps! group for dads. Find out more about our Facebook groups here.

I find the Facebook support groups really helpful as people ‘get it’ in a way that friends and family can’t.

Talk to others

Being honest about your feelings to your loved ones can help to share your anxieties and concerns and help them understand what you’re going through.

Talk to your friends, your partner, and your family. Don't close yourself off.

Practice self-care

Try taking some time out just for you, whether that’s taking a long bath, going for a walk or treating yourself to a meal out.

Make time for you – I always made time for me, whether that was going to the gym or having lunch out. It’s important to not forget if you don’t look after you then you will struggle to look after anyone else.

Speak to a professional

Talking to a counsellor or psychologist about how you’re feeling can be a helpful way to talk through any issues and think about techniques that could help.

Look to get counselling in some way, shape or form. I only started getting counselling afterwards, and it's been incredibly helpful. I wish I had started earlier.

Get physical

Making time to exercise and get some physical activity can help refresh you and help take your mind off any stress and anxiety.

I normally walk for about 40 minutes to an hour a day.

Try calming activities

Taking some time to try a few relaxing activities such as colouring or practicing mindfulness can help to calm your mind and de-stress.

Try getting a mindfulness app on your phone, or try a colouring or word puzzle app which can help too.

We’ve asked parents to share their tips and advice from their own experiences and what they’ve found helpful. But if you are worried about your levels of stress and anxiety, talk to your doctor who will be able to give you more information and advice. 

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