Amy’s House Belfast
26 College Gardens, Belfast, BT9 6BS
028 9072 5784

The house is a five minute walk away from the hospital

It takes five minutes to walk from the house to the nearest shop

The longest family stay was 225 days in 2021/22

27 families stayed at Amy’s House in 2021/22
Facilities at Amy’s House
- Five bedrooms with en suites
- Two living rooms
- A kitchen area
- A utility room
- Courtyard and roof terrace
- Free parking
Induction times for new families are between 10am and 3pm. Amy’s House and Paul’s House (Belfast) Accommodation Manager is Geraldine Burns available to contact on 07795 296374
Arlene, mum of David diagnosed with testicular cancer aged 24Amy's House was our saviour and made David's recovery a lot less sore. The Home from Home was amazing, so homely, warm, fresh, clean and friendly. It was a bit strange staying somewhere that you don’t do your own housework, but it meant our focus was purely on David. I can never thank CLIC Sargent for the support and the accommodation enough. We were treated not only as just people, we were treated as friends.
Amy’s House History
Amy’s House was opened in January 2016. It is located a few minutes walk away from Belfast City Hospital. It is a late Victorian town house built in 1882 and was converted to a Young Lives vs Cancer Home from Home in 2015. It is situated within the famous Queens University area. The beautiful tree lined street has the Botanic Gardens and Ulster Museum at one end and the Belfast City Hospital at the other.
All donations big and small fund our vital work, meaning we can continue to fight for young lives against cancer