Am I really making a difference by emailing my representative in parliament?
In short…the answer is yes!

A photo of Vic outside the Houses of Parliament
Children and young people with cancer have needs that differ to older adults and we know the systems currently in place don’t fully address them. Representatives that sit in parliaments across the UK have the power to change these systems- for example by implementing our Children and Young People’s Cancer Plan– but they may not currently know about all the needs of children and young people with cancer. That’s where you come in.
Your representatives work for you, so you have the power to tell them about the unique needs of children and young people with cancer and invite them to meet with Young Lives vs Cancer. By doing this, you’re raising awareness of the things that matter to young people with cancer and helping us make positive change happen through parliament.
We’ve already seen the power of your collective voice, with meetings already scheduled with representatives across the UK, all thanks to Young Lives vs Cancer supporters like you.
The easiest way to email your representative is by using our simple online form. Just put in your name and postcode, and we’ll work who your representatives are, then send them a pre-filled email with one click. You don’t even need to open your email account. Simple!
Who are my ‘Elected Representatives?’
Young Lives vs Cancer wants to speak to representatives across the UK, including Members of Parliament (MPs) in Westminster. For supporters who live in England, your MP will be your only national representative.
For supporters in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales there are separate parliaments that make certain decisions for you in these nations. Health is one area that governments in these nations make decisions on, which means Young Lives vs Cancer needs to have conversations with your representatives from these parliaments, as well as your MP. It is vital that change is made for children and young people with cancer in all corners of the UK, so we need to speak to Members of Scottish Parliament (MSP) in Scotland, Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) in Northern Ireland and Members of the Senedd (MS) in Wales. If you have a representative in these parliaments our form will send an email to them as well.
By emailing your representatives in parliament, you’re ensuring the voices of children and young people with cancer are heard by the people with the power to help us make change happen.
Will you email your elected representatives?Posted on Thursday 21 September 2023