Lucien’s story – We lived in the hospital
Stacie’s son Lucien was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma – a cancerous tumour – in May 2015 when he was two years old. Here Stacie explains how their CLIC Sargent Social Worker Judith at Sheffield Children’s Hospital is helping them cope with cancer and its treatment.

For the first seven weeks of treatment Lucien didn’t have a break from chemotherapy, we lived in the hospital. Then the chemotherapy was every three weeks.
People ask me how I cope with it all – and I don’t really know. Especially as just three days after he was diagnosed I gave birth to his little sister Lara. But because Lucien always comes first you just have to force yourself out of bed, force yourself to put a smile on your face, and get on with it.
Lucien's mum StacieWe’ve watched him lose his appetite, lose weight, lose his hair, lose his smile.
Our CLIC Sargent Social Worker Judith at Sheffield Children’s Hospital has given us a lot of support. If we didn’t have her we wouldn’t have been able to keep our heads on straight.
She filled out all the forms for Blue Badges and Disability Living Allowance and other things we needed. She’s done everything like that – we wouldn’t have had a clue how to do it all.
We didn’t have a garden that Lucien could play in our last house and because of his low immune system during treatment he’s at home a lot so it’s important. Judith was on to the council and sorted it out, so we’re in a house now where he can play outside.
She tells it like it is. If she can do something for you she’ll get it sorted. But if she can’t she’ll just tell you. You need people to be straightforward in this kind of situation rather than trying to be nice all the time and saying they can help, then not actually doing anything.
Find out more
CLIC Sargent is the UK’s leading cancer charity for children and young people, and their families.
To find out more about how we help families cope with the impact of childhood cancer, please visit our what we do section. If you need support yourself please contact us.
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Posted on Thursday 30 August 2018