Micro volunteering: giving your time and skills without the big commitment

April 15 is International Micro Volunteering Day, which is great opportunity for Collette Brown, Groups & Volunteering Development Manager at Young Lives vs Cancer, to explore what micro volunteering is and to showcase some of the bite-size volunteering roles available. 

The difference volunteers at Young Lives vs Cancer make to the lives of children and young people with cancer and their families is immense, and we’re hugely grateful to each and every one of our volunteers. Micro volunteering is a great option if you’re not able to sign-up to a regular volunteering role or are maybe looking for something in the short term.

“Micro volunteering has been a great way for me to fit some volunteering into my busy lifestyle"

Young Lives vs Cancer volunteer 

We’ve created loads of easy to access, low commitment volunteering opportunities that allow you to donate your time and allow us to utilise the amazing skills you have all in support of children and young people with cancer. Plus, a number of the roles can be done from the comfort of your own home.

Whether it’s speaking at an event, writing grant applications, or cheering on marathon participants, these bite-sized tasks allow you to make a real impact. And you never know, you might love it so much that you go on to do more volunteering with us in the future!

Why types of roles are available?

The opportunities for people to participate and make a difference through micro volunteering are endless, and certainly not just limited to bucket collections (although they’re a popular and really important role!).  
Micro volunteers at Young Lives vs Cancer include trust and grant applications writers, Christmas card signers, bucket collectors, marathon cheerers, and video editors. Just because they are small tasks doesn’t mean that they don’t add value to our work. Every volunteer role is meaningful and impactful. 

Opportunities coming up include:

We are adding and creating new roles and opportunities all the time, so make sure to check back regularly and see what's available

Author: Alison

Posted on Monday 15 April 2024

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