Education and work

A cancer diagnosis, treatment and everything else that comes with it can impact all aspects of life. When it comes to your work or education, you may need to take some time off or take a break. It can be a lot to take in, Young Lives vs Cancer has lots of information and advice to help you.

Studying, education and treatment


Speak up about cancer to help reduce the impact on education

Talisa’s Story

Hear from Talisa, who was able to take her A Level exams from hospital.

Information and advice on work and employment

How do I tell my employer?

Everything you need to know before telling your work, including how they should support you.

Going back to work after cancer treatment

Planning your return with your employer and readjusting back into work life.

Reasonable adjustments at work

How your workplace should support you and make changes to help you do your job.

Sick Pay

Find out about which type of sick pay you're entitled to and how to apply.