
Our blog introduces you to everything we do. Listen to other people's experiences, hear cancer tips and advice or where to go to get involved.

Young Lives vs Cancer is chosen for this year’s Mirror Christmas appeal

Find out how you can support Young Lives vs Cancer this Christmas through the Mirror’s fundraising appeal.

Bradley’s story

Surrounded by his family and their dog, Bradley died on 18 February 2021 at 23 years old. His mum Caroline continues to share Bradley’s story to rai...

Venus’ story: Diagnosed with a brain tumour at 10 years old

Venus was diagnosed with a brain tumour at just 10 years old and went on to have chemotherapy treatment at the Royal Marsden hospital

Mphango’s story: Diagnosed with leukaemia after starting a new career

Mphango was diagnosed with leukaemia at 24 and went on to have radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment at the Royal Marsden hospital in Sutton

A group of Young Lives vs Cancer campaigners holding placards and banners on Parliament Square

We’ve handed the #RunningOnEmpty petition into Downing Street. What next?

Young Lives vs Cancer's Policy and Public Affairs Manager shares what the next steps are now our petition for a Young Cancer Patient Travel Fund ...

What does Black History Month have to do with cancer?

Black History Month is an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the ways that Black people have shaped society and culture in the UK. It’s also abo...

“We all want the future to be better for children and young people with cancer...

Jenny Turner, our Director of Strategy and Governance, on why she’s so passionate about our cancer care survey and how to get involved

Dad shares his son Nate’s story

Nate was three-years-old when he was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumour. After two years of treatment, Nate died at the age of five.

Am I really making a difference by emailing my representative in parliament?

We've been encouraging supporters to email their representative in parliament. Here, we explore the impact this seemingly small action can have.